RSG Bible Reading Schedule 2023-2025

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10-Jul-23Philippians 1:1-11LS of Phil. #1, 2RB Phil. # 12
17-Jul-23Philippians 1:7-30LS of Phil. #3, 4RB Phil. # 34
24-Jul-23Philippians 1:19-21LS of Phil. #5, 6RB Phil. # 56a6b
31-Jul-23Philippians 1:19-30LS of Phil. #7, 8RB Phil. # 78
7-Aug-23Philippians 2:1-13LS of Phil. #9, 10RB Phil. # 910
14-Aug-23Philippians 2:9-16LS of Phil. #11, 12RB Phil. # 1112
21-Aug-23Philippians 2:14-18LS of Phil. #13, 14RB Phil. # 1314
28-Aug-23Philippians 2:19-30LS of Phil. #15, 16RB Phil. # 1516
4-Sep-23Philippians 3:1-8LS of Phil. #17, 18RB Phil. # 1718
11-Sep-23Philippians 3:5-9LS of Phil. #19, 20RB Phil. # 1920
18-Sep-23Philippians 3:8-11LS of Phil. #21, 22RB Phil. # 2122
25-Sep-23Philippians 3:12-16LS of Phil. #23, 24RB Phil. # 2324
2-Oct-23Philippians 3:174:4LS of Phil. #25, 26RB Phil. # 2526
9-Oct-23Philippians 4:5-9LS of Phil. #27, 28RB Phil. # 2728
16-Oct-23Philippians 4:10-23LS of Phil. #29, 30RB Phil. # 2930
23-Oct-23Philippians 1:7, 19-214:21-23LS of Phil. #31, 32RB Phil. # 3132
30-Oct-23Philippians 1:19-21LS of Phil. #33, 34RB Phil. # 3334
6-Nov-23Philippians 1:19-21LS of Phil. #35, 36RB Phil. # 3536
13-Nov-23Philippians 1:193:16-17LS of Phil. #37, 38RB Phil. # 3738
20-Nov-23Philippians 1:19-212:12-16LS of Phil. #39, 40RB Phil. # 3940
27-Nov-23Philippians 2:164:13LS of Phil. #41, 42RB Phil. # 4142
4-Dec-23Philippians 2:5-16LS of Phil. #43, 44RB Phil. # 4344
11-Dec-23Philippians 2:13LS of Phil. #45, 46RB Phil. # 45
18-Dec-23Philippians 1:19-212:14-16LS of Phil. #47, 48, 49RB Phil. # 4647
25-Dec-23Philippians 2:15LS of Phil. #50, 51RB Phil. # 4849
1-Jan-24Philippians 2:17-183:7-9LS of Phil. #52, 53RB Phil. # 5051
8-Jan-24Philippians 3:10-14LS of Phil. #54, 55RB Phil. # 52, 53
15-Jan-24Philippians 3:10-16LS of Phil. #56, 57RB Phil. # 5455
22-Jan-24Philippians 4:1-13LS of Phil. #58, 59, 60RB Phil. # 5657
29-Jan-24Philippians 4:4-13LS of Phil. #61, 62RB Phil. # 5859
5-Feb-24Colossians 1:1-82:1-23LS of Col. #1, 2RB Col. # 12
12-Feb-24Colossians 1:12-13LS of Col. #3, 4RB Col. # 34
19-Feb-24Colossians 1:12-15, 183:11LS of Col. #5, 6RB Col. # 5
26-Feb-24Colossians 1:12-14LS of Col. #7, 8RB Col. # 6
4-Mar-24Colossians 1:15-23LS of Col. #9, 10RB Col. # 78
11-Mar-24Colossians 1:15-26LS of Col. #11, 12RB Col. # 910
18-Mar-24Colossians 1:24-29LS of Col. #13, 14RB Col. # 1112
25-Mar-24Colossians 1:25-29LS of Col. #15, 16, 17RB Col. # 1314
1-Apr-24Colossians 2:2-9LS of Col. #18, 19RB Col. # 1516
8-Apr-24Colossians 2:4-8LS of Col. #20, 21RB Col. # 1718
15-Apr-24Colossians 2:9-22LS of Col. #22, 23RB Col. # 1920
22-Apr-24Colossians 2:16-23LS of Col. #24, 25, 26RB Col. # 2122
29-Apr-24Colossians 3:1-11LS of Col. #27, 28RB Col. # 2324
6-May-24Colossians 3:12-184:6LS of Col. #29, 30RB Col. # 2526
13-May-24Colossians 3:10-164:7-18LS of Col. #31, 32, 33RB Col. # 27
20-May-24Colossians 1:122:23LS of Col. #34, 35, 36RB Col. # 28
27-May-24Colossians 1:272:133:4LS of Col. #37, 38, 39RB Col. # 29
3-June-24Colossians 1:12:23LS of Col. #40, 41RB Col. # 30
10-June-24Colossians 1:1-292:1-233:1-25LS of Col. #42, 43RB Col. # 31
17-June-24Colossians 2:6-7, 193:11, 15-16LS of Col. #44, 45RB Col. # 3233
24-June-24Colossians 2:1-8; 16-194:2LS of Col. #46, 47, 48RB Col. # 3435
1-July-24Colossians 2:1-233:1-254:18LS of Col. #49, 50RB Col. # 36
8-July-24Colossians 2:7, 193:10-11LS of Col. #51, 52RB Col. # 37
15-July-24Colossians 2:8-15LS of Col. #53, 54RB Col. # 38
22-July-24Colossians 1:1-292:1-23LS of Col. #55, 56RB Col. # 3940
29-July-24Colossians 2:20-233:1-25LS of Col. #57, 58RB Col. # 41
5-Aug-24Colossians 3:1-11LS of Col. #59, 60RB Col. # 4243
12-Aug-24Colossians 3:1-11LS of Col. #61, 62RB Col. # 4445
19-Aug-24Colossians 3:12-18LS of Col. #63, 64RB Col. # 4647
26-Aug-24Colossians 4:2-6LS of Col. #65RB Col. # 48
2-Sep-241 Thessalonians 1:1-10LS of 1 Thes. #1, 2, 3RB 1 Thes. # 12
9-Sep-241 Thessalonians 1:1-10LS of 1 Thes. #4, 5, 6RB 1 Thes. # 34
16-Sep-241 Thessalonians 1:1LS of 1 Thes. #7, 8RB 1 Thes. # 5
23-Sep-241 Thes. 1:12:123:124:75:23-24LS of 1 Thes. #9, 10, 11RB 1 Thes. # 678
30-Sep-241 Thessalonians 2:1-20LS of 1 Thes. #12, 13RB 1 Thes. # 910
7-Oct-241 Thessalonians 3:1-134:1-12LS of 1 Thes. #14, 15RB 1 Thes. # 1112
14-Oct-241 Thessalonians 4:13-185:1-11LS of 1 Thes. #16, 17RB 1 Thes. # 131415
21-Oct-241 Thessalonians 5:12-28LS of 1 Thes. #18, 19RB 1 Thes. # 1617
28-Oct-241 Thessalonians 3:6, 10, 12-13LS of 1 Thes. #20, 21, 22RB 1 Thes. # 181920
4-Nov-241 Thessalonians 4:9, 135:8, 16-24LS of 1 Thes. #23, 24RB 1 Thes. # 2122
11-Nov-242 Thessalonians 1:1-122:1-12LS of 2 Thes. #1, 2, 3RB 2 Thes. # 123
18-Nov-242 Thessalonians 1:3-5, 10-112:133:5LS of 2 Thes. #4, 5, 6RB 2 Thes. # 45
25-Nov-242 Thessalonians 3:6-18LS of 2 Thes. #7RB 2 Thes. # 67
2-Dec-241 Timothy 1:1-20LS of 1 Tim. #1, 2RB 1 Tim. # 12
9-Dec-241 Timothy 2:1-15LS of 1 Tim. #3, 4RB 1 Tim. # 34
16-Dec-241 Timothy 3:1-16LS of 1 Tim. #5, 6RB 1 Tim. # 56
23-Dec-241 Timothy 4:1-16LS of 1 Tim. #7, 8RB 1 Tim. # 78
30-Dec-241 Timothy 5:1-25LS of 1 Tim. #9, 10RB 1 Tim. # 910
6-Jan-251 Timothy 6:1-21LS of 1 Tim. #11, 12RB 1 Tim. # 1112
13-Jan-252 Timothy 1:1-18LS of 2 Tim. #1, 2RB 2 Tim. # 12
20-Jan-252 Timothy 2:1-26LS of 2 Tim. #3, 4RB 2 Tim. # 34
27-Jan-252 Timothy 3:1-17LS of 2 Tim. #5, 6RB 2 Tim. # 567
3-Feb-252 Timothy 4:1-22LS of 2 Tim. #7, 8RB 2 Tim. # 89
10-Feb-25Titus 1:1-16LS of Titus #1, 2RB Titus # 12
17-Feb-25Titus 2:1-15LS of Titus #3, 4RB Titus # 34
24-Feb-25Titus 3:1-15LS of Titus #5, 6RB Titus # 567
3-Mar-25Philemon 1:1-25LS of Philemon #1, 2RB Philemon # 12
10-Mar-25Hebrews 1:1-3LS of Heb. #1, 2RB Heb. # 12
17-Mar-25Hebrews 1:42:18LS of Heb. #3, 4RB Heb. # 34
24-Mar-25Hebrews 1:5-92:3, 10LS of Heb. #5, 6RB Heb. # 56
31-Mar-25Hebrews 2:5-18LS of Heb. #7, 8RB Heb. # 78
7-Apr-25Hebrews 2:7-17LS of Heb. #9, 10RB Heb. # 910
14-Apr-25Hebrews 2:11, 15, 17LS of Heb. #11, 12RB Heb. # 1112
21-Apr-25Hebrews 2:12, 17LS of Heb. #13, 14RB Heb. # 1314
28-Apr-25Hebrews 3:1-6LS of Heb. #15, 16RB Heb. # 1516
5-May-25Hebrews 3:144:8-9LS of Heb. #17, 18RB Heb. # 1718
12-May-25Hebrews 3:6-74:7-11LS of Heb. #19, 20RB Heb. # 1920
19-May-25Hebrews 4:8-1112:28LS of Heb. #21, 22RB Heb. # 2122
26-May-25Hebrews 4:910:25-3112:15-16, 28-29LS of Heb. #23, 24RB Heb. # 2324
2-Jun-25Hebrews 3:74:1110:19-20LS of Heb. #25, 26RB Heb. # 2526
9-Jun-25Hebrews 4:14-165:1-10LS of Heb. #27, 28RB Heb. # 2728
16-Jun-25Hebrews 5:11-146:20LS of Heb. #29, 30RB Heb. # 2930
23-Jun-25Hebrews 7:1-28LS of Heb. #31, 32RB Heb. # 3132
30-Jun-25Hebrews 7:1-28LS of Heb. #33, 34RB Heb. # 3334
7-Jul-25Hebrews 8:1-139:1-2810:1-18LS of Heb. #35, 36RB Heb. # 3536
14-Jul-25Hebrews 8:10LS of Heb. #37, 38RB Heb. # 3738
21-Jul-25Hebrews 9:1-1510:1213:10, 12LS of Heb. #39, 40RB Heb. # 3940
28-Jul-25Hebrews 8:69:16-17, 26, 28LS of Heb. #41, 42RB Heb. # 4142
4-Aug-25Hebrews 10:1-39LS of Heb. #43, 44RB Heb. # 4344
11-Aug-25Hebrews 10:27-31, 35LS of Heb. #45, 46RB Heb. # 4546
18-Aug-25Hebrews 11:1-40LS of Heb. #47, 48RB Heb. # 4748
25-Aug-25Hebrews 12:1-29LS of Heb. #49, 50RB Heb. # 4950
1-Sep-25Hebrews 12:5-16LS of Heb. #51, 52RB Heb. #5152
8-Sep-25Hebrews 12:18-29LS of Heb. #53, 54RB Heb. # 5354
15-Sep-25Hebrews 13:1-19LS of Heb. #55, 56RB Heb. # 5556
22-Sep-25Hebrews 9:413:13LS of Heb. #57, 58RB Heb. # 5758
29-Sep-25Hebrews 9:4LS of Heb. #59, 60RB Heb. # 5960
6-Oct-25Hebrews 9:4LS of Heb. #61, 62RB Heb. # 6162
13-Oct-25Hebrews 8:109:4LS of Heb. #63, 64RB Heb. # 6364
20-Oct-25Hebrews 1:5-62:108:10-11LS of Heb. #65, 66, 67RB Heb. # 656667
27-Oct-25Heb. 1:92:11-123:6, 144:1210:22LS of Heb. #68, 69RB Heb. # 6869