1. January 2 (Tuesday), 8:00-9:30 PM
    Combined Prayer Meeting
    Via Zoom. Click here to join.
  2. January 7 (Lord’s Day), 9:30-11:30 AM
    Combined Lord’s Table Meeting
    Face-to-face meeting at Hall 1.
    Click here to join.

Weekly Announcements

Weekly Ministry Meeting

The meeting resumes on January 4 (Thursday).

Young People’s Meeting (Face to face)

The meeting resumes on January 6, 2024 (Saturday).

Pursuit for the Week

Line 1 – HWMR (2023 OCTOBER ITERO)

Living and Serving according to God’s Economy concerning the Church
Week 4 – A Proper Prayer Life for a Proper Church Life

Line 2 – Philippians

Chapters: 2:17-18; 3:7-9
Life-study: Message 5253

Radio Broadcast: 50, 51

Prayer Items

  • To be fellowshipped in the combined prayer meeting. Please join.