The meeting hall of the church in Hualien was declared safe for use.

The building beside the meeting hall of the church in Hualien was officially condemned. The entire second floor (more than 660 sqm) was purchased 20 years ago by the church for use as a meeting hall. At least 10 residential units on the upper floors are owned by saints. They were given just 15 minutes to get their important belongings. A total of 40 saints lost their home.

About 40 saints (20 adults and 20 young people) who are earthquake victims themselves had been visiting shelters daily to comfort their fellow victims. They sing hymns and speak to them of the Lord’s love.

May we continue to stand with them in prayer.


Live Training
Date: July 1 (Monday) to 6 (Saturday)
Venue: Anaheim, CA
Donation: USD 200
Deadline: April 21 (Lord’s Day)
To register or for any questions, please contact brother Franklin Say

Video Training
Date: August 18, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (six Lord’s Days; skipping August 25 because of YAC)
Time: 1:30PM to 5:00PM
Venue: Hall 2
Deadline: April 21 (Lord’s Day)


Date: June 11 (Tuesday) to 16 (Lord’s Day)
Venue: church in Manila Hall 2, church in Quezon City Hall
Requirement: incoming Grade 7 to incoming Grade 12
Registration fee: Php 1000
Registration deadline: May 12 (Lord’s Day)
Click here to register


Date: April 28 (Lord’s Day)
Time: 2:00PM
Venue: Hall 2


Training date: July 24 (Wednesday) to 27 (Saturday)
Venue: Training Center of the Full Time Training in Malabon (FTTMa)

Blending trip date: July 28 (Lord’s Day) to 29 (Monday)

Registration fee: Php 16,800.00
Registration deadline: April 30 (Tuesday)

To register and to know more information, please visit https://ictainphilippines.org


Date: August 24 to 26 (Saturday to Monday)
Venue: First Pacific Leadership Academy (FPLA) in Antipolo, Rizal
Registration deadline:
-Reservation fee of Php 1000.00: June 2, 2024
-Full payment: July 28, 2024
Php 200.00 discount for those who can send their full payment by June 2, 2024
For more information and to register, please follow this link: https://bit.ly/2024YAC
For questions, please contact brother Karl Manabat at 0906-3113144


Weekly Ministry Meeting

Schedule: No ministry meeting this Thursday, April 18. Meeting resumes on April 25.

Young People’s Meeting (Face to face)

No young people’s meeting this Saturday, Apri 20. Meeting resumes on April 27.

Pursuit for the Week

Line 1 – HWMR (2023 December Semiannual Training)

Laboring on the All-Inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to Make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming
Week 4 – he All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land—a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and in Mountains

Line 2 – Colossians

Chapters: 2:9-22
Life-study: Message 22, 23

Radio Broadcast: 19, 20

Prayer Items

  1. For the saints’ practical experiences of the limited Jesus as wheat, and the unlimited Christ as the barley.
    “Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)
    “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live;” (John 11:25)
    “I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me.” (Philippians 4:13)
  2. For the children’s presentation:
    -To gain many new children
    -To let their parents hear and receive the gospel
  3. For the ICTA:
    -May many college students be released to join
    -May the coordination in and among all the services be in sweetness